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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Before we knew it, September was here and it was birthday time! Ian surprised me with the cutest bicycle, which I was really hoping for... made me feel like a kid again, and a cute frilly faux leather (compliments of Luann). Afterwards, Hal took me paragliding, which was great fun with beautiful views! For Ian's birthday, he was surprised with a new leather riding jacket for his motorcycle, a new golf bag (compliments of Steve), & sunglasses-compliments of Mike (because he lost his favorite pair during a trecharous ion/tubing ride by Adam:)

Happy #29th Birthday to Ann-E!

Happy Father's Day to Ian!

Happy 27th Birthday to Ian!

The 2 dog hug.

Hal with Cannon and Anika.

In July, we went to Texas for the 2nd annual Franklin family reunion. It was a trip full of Barbeque and Blue Bell, 2 staples at home.

Is it really October?

Wow, so a little embarrassing that my last posting was before spring! So much has happened this summer that I'm going to sum it up so as to not forget it. Millie moved up to live with us from June-August and we LOVED having her. Ian and I were talking after she left and decided if having kids is like having Millie here, than we're really excited to have kids! One deay Millie was helping me clean up the driveway and I asked her to go grab a shovel... she came back with a snow shovel! Cute little Texan, didn't know what it was :) We formed an honorary LU running club and had some fun late-night runs together.

In June, Ian graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Accounting. Soon after, he was hired by Zions Bank-corporate in a commercial division, as a credit specialists for wholesale bankers. He's on the 16th floor in the downtown Zions building, overlooking the views such as the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, Temple Square, and Ensign Peak to name a few. He's liking his job quite a bit.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring is almost here!

My beautiful daffodill garden! The tulips are soon to be on their way!

Back yard barbecuing. Yum, delicious shiskabobs...peppers, onions, pineapple, tomatoes, and chicken. My poor starving dogs are on looking for a piece to hopefully fall off.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I've ventured in to the world of bread making. I never thought this work be my thing but I totally loved it. I first, ground my own wheat into 16 cups of flour, (whew, got a little stronger muscles from that:), and then it was history from there. All fresh, natural ingredients, and to top it off... I also made cinnamon rolls with the same dough. Ian gave his stamp of approval!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My cute dogs... Hinkley and Cooper!

Our fun Valentines dinner... rock lobster tail, New York steak, asparagus, sauteed mushrooms, & edamame

I've started my seeds for my spring garden... wallawalla onions, basil, peppers, and all my tulips and daffodills are coming up. I'm so excited for SPRING! I'll be planting tomatoes, cucumbers, and pumpkins. I love growing a garden. So you may know by now that I had a miscarriage :( I have to at least set the record straight so you're not wondering why I'm not getting a prego belly. It's ok though, I'll be excited when it happens again. I didn't know that I would be so affected by this emotionally, but my good husband has been the best friend and support. I'm excited to move forward and start a family.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

We recently decided we wanted to start writing things down that are memorable, funny, etc. to document our life together... so here is our attempt to do so. So many moments have already passed that leave us with nothing else but our memory to rely on, and as most people know, memory constantly fails you. In December of 2007 for Christmas, we went to Costa Rica to visit Weet and Larkin on their mission and at the end of our trip not only were we robbed, but our camera was stolen too. As a result, that trip is only a memory in our minds. When telling stories of Costa Rica, some of the events that happened end up being maybe a little more embellished than they deserve. Our most recent trip was home to Texas, for Christmas, and ended up being both of our favorite trips home. Everything from a crazy green card wife running a very nice truck into a lake, fireworks, family, good barbeque, blue bell, breaking a colt, seeing Tim after 7 years, shooting guns, and getting bucked off the horse were among some of the most memorable of events that happened. But with all that excitement happening, it still doesn't supersede our most recent experience. We are going to be parents. Wow! We are both excited like kids on Christmas. I'm about 5 weeks along and will be expecting sometime in late September. Ian is busy finishing his bachelors degree and working at Zion's Bank and I'm staying busy at The Lighthouse, doing all types of fun lighting for residential and commercial and we're both studying to take big tests... Ian is taking the GMAT and I'm preparing for the NCIDQ. We are doing great and love our new old home (1923ish), have 2 dogs, Hinkley and Cooper, and love riding our motorcycle and scooter. Life is good.